Resources for Educators

The new curriculum focuses on enhancing how young people learn and connect with the world around them. It emphasizes four core purposes, aiming to build:

  1. Ambitious, capable learners who are prepared for lifelong learning.
  2. Enterprising, creative contributors ready to engage fully in life and work.
  3. Ethical, informed citizens who can participate actively in Wales and the wider world.
  4. Healthy, confident individuals who lead fulfilling lives as valued community members.

Essentials skills

Volunteering integrates seamlessly with this curriculum by offering students opportunities to develop essential skills, including:

  • Creativity and Innovation:

    • Exploration: Hands-on taster days provide a practical introduction to volunteering.
    • Planning: Students create plans for current and future volunteer activities.
    • Problem-Solving: Participants devise innovative solutions to challenges they 
  • Critical Thinking and Problem-Solving:

    • Inquiry: Volunteers learn to ask critical questions and seek out evidence.
    • Decision-Making: They enhance their decision-making skills by navigating various challenges.
    • Problem Resolution: Participants address issues such as resource limitations and team conflicts.
  • Planning and Organizing:

    • Time Management: Volunteers practice managing their time efficiently.
    • Goal Setting: They establish and achieve both personal and group goals.
    • Independent Volunteering: Participants are encouraged to initiate and complete independent projects.
  • Personal Effectiveness:

    • Interpersonal Skills: Volunteers meet and interact with diverse individuals, boosting their confidence and cultural awareness.
    • Community Awareness: They learn about social issues in their local area through taster sessions.
    • Learning from Mistakes: Volunteers develop resilience by learning from their experiences during taster days.


  • For Organisations

    This Toolkit has been created to help support the third-sector engage with young volunteers.

  • For Educators

    This resource is for those in the Education Sector to help demonstrate the importance of volunteering within the new school curriculum.